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Village/Township Elder

Village Elder Tasks-


  • Make sure that you have a work group created for your state/location in our WE Network



  • Create a listing for your location at IC.Org. 



  • After your sponsor give you administrator access to our Facebook page, place a notice that your starting a village at your location.

  • Place another notification also in our group and chat

  • Share Wanderers End page posting on your own facebook page.

  • Think of who you would like among your family and friends to have as a neighbor or maybe even an Elder!

  • Invite them to like WE facebook page and into our group

  • For people not charity or low income show them this site





Recruit Pioneers (after 2 Pioneers are recruited by you and 20% of monthly dues covers the land payment your monthly dues are WAIVED!)


Start looking for land that follows the guidelines of our LAND page (coming soon)

Post research pertaining to your path to the WE Network. If we don't upload it it wont be ours for future use possibly! It would be awesome if you do a few every week.


If anyone is added to our group, chat , WE Network that is in your location- please greet them, and help them. If they aren't in the WE Network guide them to it. Answer questions, (feel free to message your sponsor at the same time to be able to relay their queries. Find out if they have a sponsor already. If so, please also contact their sponsor to meet them. As an Elder your responsible for keeping in touch with those interested in your location.Touch base weekly with applicants.



It is mandatory that you upload research at least once a week.

It is manditory to attend meetings to work on our consensus.



Check out the WE Network organization structure to understand the positions under your management.

  • (E) means Elder position

  • (P) Pioneer

  • (T) Tradesmen

  • (D) Department Name

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